The war in Ukraine has had a significant impact on most economies around the globe – therefore it comes as no surprise that it also affects house prices.
Higher House Prices Due to Inflation
Especially, the conflict has led to an increase in inflation rates, you probably already noticed it, no matter which country you live in. In some countries – due to this inflation – prices are increasing faster than wages. As a result, people are getting poorer and possibly can’t afford to buy houses anymore.
Many people already gave up looking for the cheapest property for sale. There still are some out there but usually those are in need of some work and further investment to be able to live in them or rent them out.
The cheap houses for sale, now seems to be those that were just a normal price before. Especially in bigger cities there is a shortage of housing. Also, when it comes to creating new housing, they are usually luxurious expensive stuff – as there is just a lot more money to be made.
How the War in Ukraine Affects House Prices of Newly builds

First the pandemic and now war, those has been major factors in the shortage of building materials. This in turn has led to a considerable increase in the price of new build houses all around the globe.
Also the increase in gas and energy prices have been a great hit in the market. Running machinery on the construction site, having to pay higher wages – all of this contributes to an considerable increase.
This might be felt stronger in some countries than in others.
What are the Effects of War on Housing Markets?
Housing markets are always affected by wars. The effects of war on the housing market depend on a lot of factors, including the duration and intensity of the war, the location of the war, and how it affects other countries and other aspects of life.
War can lift housing markets in some cases. For example, during World War II there was a shortage in construction materials like steel and timber. This led to higher prices for these materials and an increase in demand for homes as people wanted to buy houses before they became too expensive.
However, most wars have negative effects on housing markets. For example, during World War I there was an economic depression that led to lower demand for homes because people were not earning enough money to afford them.
Conclusion: The Impact of War on House Prices
The conflict has led to a significant shortage of houses and higher prices for those that are available. This is due to the increased cost of construction materials, as well as the number of refugees fleeing from the conflict zone. These people need housing but there is not enough supply, leading to higher prices and shortages.
If you have a house for sale, now is a good time to get a good price for us.