List and sell your property for free
17,156 free listings of property ads.


Pricing? What do you mean? Weren't you saying listing my property is free of charge?

YES, you are 100% right! Listing advertisements with us is and will be free.

But what if you would like to get a bit more attention for your advertisements? Well, we offer some really nice extras which help you with that. So here are our prices for those.

Product Estate Agents Private Seller
Place Advertisement (up to 100 images) 
Placing an advertisement is absolutely free for you!
Bump up 
Bump up your advertisement right to the top of our default search results ('Best results'). The effect becomes active instantly after the payment is done. More details
€ 1.29 € 1.49
5x Bump Up every 3rd day 
Bump up your advertisement right to the top of our default search results ('Best results') every 3rd day 5 times. The first Bump Up takes place immediately after the payment is done. More details
€ 6.49 € 6.99
7x Bump Up every day 
Bump up your advertisement right to the top of our default search results ('Best results') every day 7 times. The first Bump Up takes place immediately after the payment is done. More details
€ 8.99 € 9.49
Add a subtitle to your advertisement to get more attention. The effect becomes active instantly after the payment is done. Once paid you can edit the subtitle at any time. More details
€ 1.29 € 1.49
Spotlight (1 week) 
Get your advertisement right to our homepage and get highlighted in our lists for 7 days. The effect becomes active instantly after the payment is done. More details
€ 9.49 € 9.99
Spotlight (2 weeks) 
Get your advertisement right to our homepage and get highlighted in our lists for 14 days. The effect becomes active instantly after the payment is done. More details
€ 17.99 € 18.99


How do our Extras work?


Bump Up

Need fresh views for your advertisement? Then Bump Ups are for you!

 Jump to the top of our lists again

Buying a Bump up will bring your advertisement right to the top of our default search results ('Best results').

?When exactly does the effect become active?

The effect becomes active instantly after the payment is done.

However, when new ads are posted or other customers also Bump Up their ads your ad will be pushed down. If the site is busy this can happen within milliseconds. But don’t worry: Your ad will still be closer to the top than it was before.


Repeated Bump Ups

Repeated Bump Ups are based on our popular Bump Ups but with some nice additional benefits.

 Improved visibility for a longer period

Your advertisement is bumped up to the top of our default search results ('Best results') in a given interval for a given number of repetitions.

Currently we offer 2 variants of Repeated Bump Ups:

  • Bump Up 5 times every 3rd day
  • Bump Up 7 times every day

 Save time

It's all automatic. Lean back after buying this add-on and enjoy improved visibility of your advertisement for the given period. No need for unnecessary time-consuming manual actions.

 Save money

Compared to single Bump Ups, Repeated Bump Ups come at a reduced rate.

?When exactly does the first Bump Up take place?

This depends on when you bought it.

  • If you bought it during adding a new advertisement there of course is no need for a Bump Up because fresh advertisements are always on top of our default search results ('Best results'). Therefore first Bump Up takes place after one interval. E.g. when adding a new advertisement today at 8pm and selecting "7x Bump Up every day" the first Bump Up will take place tomorrow at 8pm.
  • If you bought it for an existing advertisement on the other hand, the first Bump Up takes place immediately.

?When exactly do the following Repeated Bump Ups take place?

Bump Ups take place exactly after the given interval. E.g. when buying a Repeated Bump Up with an interval of 1 day at 8pm, automatic Bump Ups will take place exactly every 24 hours at 8pm.

?Is there a way I can figure out how many Bump Ups are left or when the next Bump Up will take place?

Of course there is. You can check the current status of your add-ons at any time by going to your property list ("my ads" button on top of every page) and click on "My Add-ons".



Example of subtitle

A subtitle is a very good way to let your advertisement stand out.

 Stand out from the crowd

Subtitle appears right below the title of your advertisements in our lists and helps you to get more attention.

 Extra eye-catcher

Subtitle works very well as an extra eye-catcher on the details page.

 No lifetime

Once bought the Subtitle add-on will be active as long as your advertisement exists.

Try it! It's cheap and can make a huge difference.



You need real attention for your advertisements? Maybe even directly on our homepage? Spotlight to the rescue! This add-on is designed for maximum visibility & attention.

 Maximum visibility

You want it? You get it!

  • Your advertisement is placed at the most viewed place of all our websites. Right at the top of our homepage!
  • We don't just show a thumbnail, we also show an excerpt of the details text. Choose the first words wisely to arouse curiosity of as many visitors as possible.
  • Your advertisement is highlighted with a yellow background in all our lists (even the gallery view).
  • In our lists 3 additional thumbnails are shown below the main picture. This a very good way to place even more eye-catchers to attract customers. The additional thumbnails in most cases also result in a bigger list entry which also makes your ad more present.

?How long is my advertisement "spotlighted"?

It's your choice. Currently we offer two durations:

  • 7 days
  • 14 days (cheaper per day price)

?What if many people decide to use the Spotlight add-on? Do you display all of them on your homepage?

Yes. Of course it is not possible to show all at once if there are too many. But we have an algorithm in place that guarantees perfect and fair share of the available 9 advertising slots. We make sure that all advertisements with Spotlight add-on get the exact same visibility on our homepage. This also applies to the position of the advertisements. We guarantee that ads are rotated equally.

?Is there a place to check how much of the duration of an active Spotlight add-on is left?

Of course there is. You can check the current status of your add-ons at any time by going to your property list ("my ads" button on top of every page) and click on "My Add-ons". It will tell you exactly when your Spotlight add-on will expire.

?Can I change what thumbnails are displayed in the lists?

Yes. In our lists we display the main image and the next 3 images of your uploaded images. You can change the order of those at any time by editing your advert, choose the "Images" tab and drag & drop the images.